Forums / The hangaround / vu miss cobra

vu miss cobra
12:59:21 Aug 6th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

13:14:11 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Jellybean:

woot Jelly Bean Empire :P

And yea i rember cobra

13:32:41 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Barny:

I remember him too, he was nothing special. I didnt notice he was gone.

14:48:37 Aug 6th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXII:

glad his gone :)

19:00:25 Aug 6th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

Mr. Barny


07:32:41 Aug 6th 09
I remember him too, he was nothing special. I didnt notice he was gone.

I bet he would have a few choice words for you :) 

He was like...that responsible VU member that told dumb people that what they post is really dumb.

19:39:16 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Justin:

He is also the one that chased off new players by doing that Charley

20:08:10 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Mcmax:

Dang it. Why did I look here (well I do know, I read the topic as a MISS (like in female) competition in VU.

Like voting for Miss Cobra.......... something like that :big grin:

20:17:59 Aug 6th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

Cobra doesn't miss any of you

21:23:06 Aug 6th 09 - Sir Penor The Overwhelming:

I'm getting an add for cobra starship at the bottom of mine now...

16:43:05 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Chris:

I'm getting an ad for epic fail all over my screen due to the content of this fail thread.

17:24:29 Aug 7th 09 - WolfLord Durza Floyd Pepper III:

And none of us miss cobra.

17:43:56 Aug 7th 09 - Demonic Abort Retry Fail:

Cobra locked himself up in his cellar...along with the rest of the missing vets of VU...

18:40:02 Aug 7th 09 - Sir Santa:

I'm still getting the blonde from Evony :D Yay! :)

18:42:03 Aug 7th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Me too Santa :D

But yeah i definately dont miss Cobra.

11:34:05 Aug 8th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:


12:03:04 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Gummahathy:

I miss cobra.
Hes an hero


12:08:59 Aug 8th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXII:

i hope cobra.....never comes back ( it goes for coČbra too)

12:15:01 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Gummahathy:

All the people who dont want him to come back.
You obviously don't know the Real cobra. [ Not syaing I do ]
But from what I've seen/etc, hes a Nice guy and a very good player.

Your just all e-raged as he made you all look like idiots

13:32:36 Aug 8th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXII:

"a nice guys" ...nah im pretty sure hes a miserable is better off without him

14:36:51 Aug 8th 09 - WolfLord Durza Floyd Pepper III:

Sir Justanius Fontainius XXII


15:32:36 Aug 8th 09

"a nice guys" ...nah im pretty sure hes a miserable is better off without him



Gummahathy, he was an arrogant fag, who liked to be an arse. He made very few look like idiots because he was always posting in the same topic, we looked like saints next to him.

19:19:59 Aug 8th 09 - Sir Penor The Overwhelming:

I believe he was the one who i would post a suggestion and regardless of the topic he'd just tell me you're stupid and post an epic fail even if others liked it

21:23:12 Aug 8th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

he shown you all up on the forums, stop whining

21:54:49 Aug 8th 09 - Sir Penor The Overwhelming:

I think Stirlin is cobra... Just a bit more arrogant

22:36:51 Aug 13th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

i said it was boring without cokbra.
all hail cokbra, the biggest and ugliest troll in vu forums

01:27:37 Aug 14th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

Sir Penor The Overwhelming


20:54:49 Aug 8th 09
I think Stirlin is cobra... Just a bit more arrogant

your such an idiot

01:36:09 Aug 14th 09 - Duchess Sexxy Minx:

s'if stirlin could be cokbra, hes a wannabe :)

01:37:45 Aug 14th 09 - Duke Windscar The Random:


i <3 u randeh

03:40:55 Aug 14th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

Someone pay him to come back :P

13:07:40 Aug 14th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

LOL! he cameback, lurking in forums and posting some stuff

17:16:57 Aug 14th 09 - Mr. Twelve Inch Mcsatay:


Who the fark is that?

(searches era winners list)... Nope, no one called Cobra.

(searches top players list)... Nope, no one called Cobra either.

Oh wait a minute...

Is it that no accomplishment, show-off-his-5-milimeter-excuse-for-a-penor-actually-it-is-a-clitoris, lack of subtance, epic failure of a troll that talks too loud but has no walk?

Sure, I miss shoving my boot up his ass. Or headbutting his fat mouth.



Unless you are talking about GI Joe's Cobra?

17:22:13 Aug 14th 09 - Mr. Luls:

lawl you're trying to hard faggot, happy raging.

17:25:04 Aug 14th 09 - Mr. Twelve Inch Mcsatay:

I already miss the nice, quiet times when you weren't around, Trollbra :(

18:21:20 Aug 14th 09 - Mr. Luls:

sux to be you.

19:07:54 Aug 14th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Mr. Twelve Inch Mcsatay


08:16:57 Aug 14th 09


Who the fark is that?

(searches era winners list)... Nope, no one called Cobra.

(searches top players list)... Nope, no one called Cobra either.

Oh wait a minute...

Is it that no accomplishment, show-off-his-5-milimeter-excuse-for-a-penor-actually-it-is-a-clitoris, lack of subtance, epic failure of a troll that talks too loud but has no walk?

Sure, I miss shoving my boot up his ass. Or headbutting his fat mouth.



Unless you are talking about GI Joe's Cobra?

Thats cheating using your Lawyer skills :P

19:35:17 Aug 14th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

failed lawyer skills tbf

you dont need to have an era win to have accomplished something, go ask around the oldies in this game, they will tell you about cobras playing ability

19:40:06 Aug 14th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

cobra has some more abilitys than trolling? huh WTF

02:19:11 Aug 15th 09 - Mr. Twelve Inch Mcsatay:

Dark Prince Stirlin


01:35:17 Aug 15th 09
failed lawyer skills tbf

you dont need to have an era win to have accomplished something, go ask around the oldies in this game, they will tell you about cobras playing ability


Don't know.... I was pretty darn successful during my lawyer stint. Don't know whether the same can be said about your own capabilities :P

And about Cobra's alleged skills in the game.... I have seen him in action for several eras. What I saw were very minimal accomplishments, and rather poor player capability. So yeah, I don't need old timers to tell me about his 'skills' - they are none existent at all from what I and others have seen.

03:05:27 Aug 15th 09 - Sir Joey Tribbiani:

noones gonna play well if they couldnt give a fuk about the game...

some ppl try too hard, thats why they win eras..

(cant beleive im defending cobra.. *pukes*)

12:27:55 Aug 15th 09 - Prince Mielo:

ugh tbl ... Saying that cobra has no skills is basically your random opinion and proving how hard you live in your own ego loving world.

I played against and with cobra and you hardly match his skill by far. You are good, but don't underestimate players just because you dislike them.

Sure, I miss shoving my boot up his ass. Or headbutting his fat mouth.

I hardly ever saw you doing that, basically in every discussion you just attempt changing the topic to your narrow minded insights of this game or whatever happened. You rather attack the player then the ball, makes you the loser that got headbutted, not the other guy.


Get used to it. Besides the point you already lower yourself to flame people that left this game is pathetic

14:30:00 Aug 15th 09 - Mr. Twelve Inch Mcsatay:

Mielo, I have played against Cobra and obsevered him in action several times. In all those times, I have seen nothing of substance from him. Also, in my discussions with other strong / respected VU players about Cobra, they comment the same... Cobra is either: i) VASTLY OVERrated, or ii) just pure HOT AIR.

Maybe the reason why you say that I am purportedly "outmatched" by Cobra is because you yourself aren't worth much, thus you place him on a pedastal over you. In that, I acknowledge that he might be slightly better than you... I hardly even notice you in game anyway, except whenever you decide to do the Biased Mod thing on the forums...

You are right about one little thing though.

Cobra's patheticness:

My patheticness:

14:40:59 Aug 15th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

your seriously both are retards AND STFU!!!!!

15:38:23 Aug 15th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

what have you done tbl? we never hear your accomplishments, im sure theres many!
give us a story

16:11:26 Aug 15th 09 - Mr. Luls:

Aaaah, it gives me so much pleasure to know that nubs like loser here rage at the mere mention of my name, one must take satisfaction in a job well done.

Now tbl I'll allow you to go back to your cesspool.

03:39:06 Aug 25th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

*bumpirity bump*

09:32:54 Aug 25th 09 - Mr. Jesus Teh Raepist:

What's going on here?

14:20:03 Aug 26th 09 - Lady Quietone:

/me choves Cobra



09:42:11 Aug 27th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:


15:29:26 Aug 27th 09 - Mr. Orcinus Orca:

ok now cobra i know......of

does this twelve inch mcsatay go by a more famous name jst so ppl who dnt keep track of ppl who change their names r in the loop?!

20:23:51 Aug 27th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

The Born Loser, Magneto, etc...cbb to write more

10:52:35 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Jet:

cobra was the guy who took inappropriate pictures from chans and posted them at appropriate times in appropiate threads in vu forums yeah? did he actually play vu?

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